Stay White Potato Whitener - Chip Tech

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SP1 Stay White – the number 1 Potato Whitener

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APC Next Day Delivery: £14.50 (Including VAT)

SP1 Stay White Potato Whitener is brought to you by Peel Tech, the potato processing experts.  At our sister company, The Real Fresh Chip Company, we process tonnes of potatoes into chips and pride ourselves on providing our customers with a premium product every time.  So it makes sense that we use the best which is SP1 Stay White ourselves and here’s why:-

  • The mix is manufactured with minimal sulphites combined with only refined organic acids which means very little ‘smell and gassing’ when opening the container
  • Dissolves quickly and thoroughly eliminating ‘dead spots’ in the tank
  • Save money with SP1 Stay White – only 2g is sufficient for one litre of water
  • Only takes 3 minutes for the chips to be soaked in the solution
  • Works all year round with all potato varieties
  • It’s not just for chips – whole, half and quartered potatoes process just as well
  • It’s not just for potatoes – parsnips, mushrooms…most white vegetables
  • Super crispy chips every time
  • Gluten-free, Halal, Vegan and Vegetarian approved

What’s not to like!  Oh and did we mention it is extremely competitively priced.  Why not call us today for a free sample (just pay postage) on 01592 860865.  We know you will be delighted with the results

StayWhite Potato Whitener is delivered in a handy 5KG bucket.

Our products are now so popular overseas that we are shipping regularly.  However, if you are outside the UK, please call +441592 860865 during office hours or email to and we will arrange a competitive delivery quote.

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